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The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics - The science behind the Keppe Motor

The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics  By Norberto R Keppe.
And the companion volume: The ABC’s of the New Physics Study Guide  
Special Extra Offer: Disinverted Metaphysics, the Keppe Motor Documentary - DVD

Explore the fascinating world of the New Physics in this dynamic package including 2 books and the new Keppe Motor documentary. 
Keppe’s science offers a bold re-directioning of the planet’s technological philosophy. But Analytical Trilogy goes much deeper than that: 
- Discover the true source (and cure) of disease
- Become awakened to the magic of true science and the beauty, truth and goodness that compose the universe
- Learn how to live in harmony with the essential energy that rules everything
- How to access the profound psychological, spiritual life that exists within

Buy the complete package now! 


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